Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dreamy Scapes

We recently swapped our designer hat to artist beret ~ in a collaborative art installation with the infamous "tar artist" Mattia Biagi. What a wonderful exhibit for art's sake at the LAMART!

Dreamscape concept Woodson & Rummerfield’s with artist Mattia Biagi ~

Vecchie scarpe: Old shoes

Old shoes raise the ground behind them in hurried steps in the cold winter. Torn from the road used from the time, they accompany our future. Old shoes, lead us into tomorrow's mysterious street. Old shoes portrait of personality, high, or low-cut, in leather or satin. Some people have many, and unfortunately there are those whose feet have none. Old shoes as a story suggest the fate of the soul.

Poem by Mattia Biagi
Sketch by Jaime Rummerfield

Mattia Biagi

Ron and me at the LAMART, Dreamscape opening event

Fashion Designer Valerj Probega, Mattia Biagi and me

Valerj and Ron
The installation was on display at the LOOK gallery in the LAMART downtown Los Angeles.
Space photos by Grey Crawford. Thanks to everyone who came out what fantastic installations!